Armor Item

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"Iron Curiass" Armor Item seen in the RCK Editor.

An Armor Item is a type of Item that represents a piece of wearable equipment. Armor Items can be equipped by the Player and NPCs, where every piece can be combined with any other and every piece may cover one or multiple parts of the body.

Every Armor Item must suit the Characters you're using and the Skinned Mesh Renderer (Biped Model) needs to include the Armature and Weight.

  • MaleBipedModel: represents the prefab of the Skinned Mesh Renderer of this Armor Item that will be attached to the Character's Mesh (for Males).
  • FemaleBipedModel: represents the prefab of the Skinned Mesh Renderer of this Armor Item that will be attached to the Character's Mesh (for Females).

Next to it, the "Body Options" will open a window where you will be able to determine which parts of the Character's Body needs to be disabled while this Armor Item is equipped (You can Ignore the "Add Blendshapes" button because as for the current version they are not used): Armoritem r 1.png

  • Different FP model?: Check this box if you want to use a different model for the mesh that will be attached to the First Person hands, usually you want to do this because the FP Hands only need the vertices of the model from the shoulders to the hands instead of the whole mesh.
  • Armor Type: the type of the Armor Item, Cloth/Light/Heavy.
  • Health: the health of the Armor Item, it is currently unused but will be useful in next updates.
  • Armor Rating: the Armor Rating of the Item.
  • Biped Object: the slots that the Armor Item occupies.
  • Use Mesh?: check this box if you want the mesh to show on the Player/NPCs body.
  • Hide Hair: check this box if this Armor Item covers the Character's Hair.
  • Hide Amulet: currently unused.
  • Hide Rings: currently unused.

The Armor Rating modifies the damage received with this simple formula:

Final Damage = Final Damage - ( (Final Damage * Total Armor Rating) / 100 )

To know how to make a new Armor Item, view Creating a New Armor Item tutorial.